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News: GCSE students celebrate their success

Soliane Keown-Boyd with her results outside the City Hub
Soliane Keown-Boyd

Hundreds of Nottingham College GCSE students received their results today (22nd August). Among the successful students were a number of adult learners who have returned to education for a change of career or to improve their prospects.

Among those celebrating is Brazilian, Soliane Keown-Boyd, 31, who came to Nottingham in 2018 with English as her second language. With hopes of pursuing a career in nursing, she enrolled at Nottingham College to study GCSE English alongside an Access to Health Professions course.

I was incredibly surprised to achieve a grade 9 in English. As a mature student who has been self-taught for most of my life, it was incredible to see what a difference a year in formal education has made. My teacher was so supportive and always on-hand to help. 

 — Soliane Keown-Boyd

With her grades, Soliane will progress to the University of Nottingham to study Adult Nursing and eventually she’d like to do a PhD in Public Health. She said: From a young age I have always known I wanted a job that can help people. The Access course was perfect because it bridged the gap to enable me to progress to university in the UK.

I haven’t taken the most standard route to education, but Nottingham College has allowed me to be where I needed to be at a time I was ready for it. 

As an adult, life may not be as straightforward but if you have the willingness, it’s worth the effort. I know it’s a cliché, but it really is never too late to do something you love. 

 — Soliane Keown-Boyd

Rachel Wadsworth, Nottingham College Vice Principal — Curriculum and Support, said:

I’m incredibly proud of our dedicated students, especially the mature learners who have shown that it’s never too late to pursue education. Their achievements highlight the vital role of further education in our city. For many, college is more than just an opportunity; it’s a lifeline for a second chance. I’m also grateful to our outstanding team, who are committed to supporting each student on their journey to success. 

 — Rachel Wadsworth, Nottingham College Vice Principal — Curriculum and Support

The college has expert advice and guidance available for anyone who has questions following their GCSE results and would like to discuss their options for further study. Simply call 0115 9 100 100 or visit Live Chat on the college website: www​.not​ting​ham​col​lege​.ac​.uk.

Published on:
  • 22nd August 2024 (12:41 PM)
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