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News: Supported learning students enjoy action-packed community fun day with Nottinghamshire firefighters and police

Nottinghamshire fire fighter with Stapleford learner
Nottinghamshire fire fighter with Stapleford learner

Before half-term our Supported Learning students took part in a Community Fun Day. The event was organised by our Enrichment Team and featured special guests from Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue and Nottinghamshire Police.

Our students took the opportunity to tour fire engines, learn about the crucial role of fire hydrants and even experience the thrill of handling fire hoses under the guidance of firefighters. The excitement continued with tours of police vans — giving our learners the chance to try their hand at activating the blue lights and sirens — getting a taste of the action-packed life of a police officer. 

Our visitors joined students over lunch too. The meal was made extra special by our catering students who had been hard at work in the kitchen preparing home-made brownies and cakes. 

There were also lots of skill-building hands-on activities such as Boccia and gardening to bring learners together, trying different things and learning new skills. 

Tutor Susan Jones runs gardening sessions for our supported learning students. She has taken her passion for gardening and combined it with hands-on learning experiences for our students, who have learned lots of transferable skills as a result.

Tutor Susan Jones with her gardening group

Through gardening, my students learn fractions, division, and work with shapes and numbers. We sell the plants we grow for charity, which involves handling money and working tills. They also apply their skills by running a weekly gardening club, helping our sensory students explore gardening and have a go. 

 — Susan Jones

Sustainability and healthy living are also on the curriculum with these sessions. By planting fruits, vegetables, and herbs, our students have been using them to make recipes like pizzas and bread, bringing their food from greenhouse to table!

Published on:
  • 18th June 2024 (9:50 AM)
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