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Fee and Financial Support for Students 2024/25

Financial support is available to many of our students. Read on for more information.

While all full-time further education course tuition fees are free for UK residents who are between 16 and 18 (as at 31/08/2024), funding can become quite complex for students aged 19+.

We have explained below how your tuition fees could be funded, but we do ask that you get in touch with one of our student advisors as, more often than not, it’s your personal situation that will determine any financial support you may be entitled to.

If you are an EU/EEA or Swiss National, please visit our EU Settled Status scheme page for more information.

If you not from the UK or EU/EEA or a Swiss National, we will need to check your residency status before we can assess you for fee remission. Please visit our Proof of Identification page for more information.

We may also be available to help with the cost of travel to College, equipment and childcare and you can read more other financial assistance here.

At enrolment, all students are required to upload one form of ID to their application account and provide their National Insurance Number on their online enrolment form. You can view the acceptable forms of personal ID here.

Funding Criteria for Fee Remission

Some students are able to have their full tuition fees waived, this is referred to as Fee Remission.

You will only be required to pay any material costs that relate to your course.

Benefits eligible for fee remission (if applicable)

You will need to upload a photograph of your benefit to your application account:

  • Benefit evidence for unemployed
    • You must provide a document dated within 3 months from the Job Centre/​Benefits Agency confirming your benefit. We do not need to keep a copy of your document.
  • Income evidence for employed
    • You must provide your latest 2 months or 8 weekly wage slips or a document confirming your income from your employer. We need to keep a copy of this document for audit purposes, so please bring a photocopy with you when you enrol or upload this evidence to your student account.

Eligible Benefits

  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Employment Support Allowance and work-related activity group
  • Universal Credit
  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax Benefit (not the Single Person Discount)
  • Pension Guarantee Credit only
  • Disability Living Allowance/​Personal Independent Payment and not in work
  • A joint claimant of one of the above
  • Dependent of individuals in receipt of the above (up to the age of 20)
  • Asylum Seekers or Means-tested Benefit (has ASPEN card or in receipt of NASS)
  • Unemployed and a dependent of a claimant on working tax credits

Acceptable Forms of Personal ID

Here are examples of evidence of ID that we will accept. 

Just take a photo of it and upload it to your account when you enrol:

  • Passport
  • Driving Licence (full or provisional)
  • National Insurance card/​letter
  • Birth Certificate
  • Adoption certificate
  • Benefit letter which states learner’s name
  • UK Naturalisation/​Citizenship certificate
  • Residence Permit card 
  • National Identity card and letter to show EU settlement
  • Home Office letter
  • Exam Certificate
  • Advanced Loan Letter (students aged 19+ only)
  • HM Armed Forces ID card

Fees Policy